Form numbers past 100

Los números 101-1000+
We’ve already learned to count to 100:
98 noventa y ocho
99 noventa y nueve
100 cien
Note how the pattern changes slightly: we’re not using y anymore. That’s just to separate the tens place from the ones place. So “one hundred one,” not “one hundred and one.”
102 ciento dos
110 ciento diez
120 ciento veinte
134 ciento treinta y cuatro (the y is separating the tens place from the ones place)
200 doscientos
300 trescientos
400 cuatrocientos
500 quinientos
600 seiscientos
700 setecientos
800 ochocientos
900 novecientos
1000 mil (Note: Not “un mil,” just “mil“)
1500 mil quinientos
2000 dos mil
4000 cuatro mil
100.000 cien mil
1.000.000 un millón
11.000.000 once millones
Note: you must use mil to talk about years (this is different from the English way of splitting years into two-digit clusters)
- (in)
1950 = (en) mil novecientos cincuenta
- (in)
1821 = (en) mil ochocientos veintiuno
- 2019 = dos mil diecinueve
Another note: Most Spanish-speaking countries use a comma to mark the decimal point, and a period or dot to mark the thousands position in long numbers. This is beginning to change somewhat as the English way of punctuating numbers is spreading via the Internet. So you’ll need to be careful not to mistake decimals for thousands!
$123.456,78 = ciento veintitrés mil cuatrocientos cincuenta y seis dólares con setenta y ocho centavos
¡Inténtalo! (Try It!)
Los números