Book Title: ¡Todos unidos!
Subtitle: MC Elementary Spanish I is an adaptation of Waymaker Spanish 1 and 2 designed and developed by the Spanish department at SUNY Oneonta in cooperation with Lumen Learning; the original work is licensed under a CC BY: Attribution. Through a partnership between the World Languages discipline and the Office of E-Learning, Innovation, and Teaching Excellence, Montgomery College has adapted the original content in order to build upon it, tailor it to its curricular needs, and share it in this current format. Adoption and adaptations made by Christine Crefton, Paul Miller, and MC World Languages faculty.

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Montgomery College (MC) adopted and adapted the Lumen Spanish I open educational resource for its introductory Spanish I courses. Each unit incorporates vocabulary and grammatical structures that beginning language learners need as they start to communicate in Spanish, as well as practice exercises, communicative activities, and embedded audio. MC faculty have developed self-graded exercises at the end of each unit, which have been incorporated into the Pressbooks, to assess student learning and understanding.
¡Todos unidos! Copyright © 2022 by Montgomery College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Language teaching and learning