In this section we’ll be talking about clothing: both wearing it and buying it. With your new clothing vocabulary, you’ll be como un niño con zapatos nuevos (≈ like a kid in a candy store). Since we’re talking about the cost of clothing, we’ll need numbers past 100. But by now the numbers should be old hat. (In Spanish, con la gorra [like a hat] = easy)


If you feel like no te llega la camisa al cuello (you can’t get the shirt over your neck; you’re struggling), hang in there! We’ve been in your shoes (Hemos estado en tus zapatos). And if you feel like Spanish queda como un guante (fits like a glove), ¡Nos quitamos el sombrero! (We tip our hat to you).


After this section you will be able to:

  • Use clothing-related vocabulary and numbers past 100 to discuss clothing and cost
shirts on a rack