
Love of Teaching Half-Day Conference: Empowering All Learners: Building Inclusive Learning Environments

Empowering All Learners: Building Inclusive Learning Environments
Saturday, April 29, 2023, 9:30 AM-12:30 PM, via Zoom

Love of Teaching

Educational research shows that creating inclusive and equitable learning environments promotes learning for all students, especially for those from backgrounds historically underrepresented in higher education. Contextual cues, social interactions, and learning activities all help determine whether students feel welcome and like they belong in both face-to-face and online learning environments. This has a direct effect on important learning processes such as knowledge retention, persistence, and motivation. The CARE framework identifies five areas key to designing inclusive and equitable learning environments: community, agency, representation, equal access, and pedagogies of care. This talk with review the research foundations of CARE as well as explore ways to implement the framework in face-to-face, hybrid, and online learning environments.

To request reasonable accommodations, please contact Philip Bonner by email at philip.bonner@montgomerycollege.edu or by phone at 240-483-2634. Requests should be made by at least two weeks in advance of the event.


About the Keynote:

Andy Saltarelli, Sr. Director, Evaluation & Research

Dr. Andy Saltarelli helps to establish and maintain campus-wide initiatives that evaluate the appropriate use of learning technologies, spur innovative methods of assessment and feedback, and leverage learning analytics for student success. Andy’s disciplinary background is in educational psychology and his research centers on how instructional technologies affect important social psychological processes (e.g., belongingness, motivation, cooperation) underlying teaching and learning, especially for traditionally marginalized students.

Read more about the Keynote.

Love of Teaching Half-Day Conference: Empowering All Learners: Building Inclusive Learning Environments

The Love of Teaching Annual Conference is held every spring on the last Saturday in April. Originally conceived by Instructional Designer Dr. Carol Moore, the first conference was held in 2016, and it has been held every year since except in 2020 due to the pandemic. The Love of Teaching is different from other professional development events in that it is a celebration of the teaching profession. It provides an opportunity for participants to explore a topic of interest with colleagues and do so in a convivial atmosphere that allows for greater camaraderie and collaborative learning. Since its inception, the event has grown in participation and is one of the most popular professional development events offered at Montgomery College.

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Spring 2023 ELITE Professional Development Catalog Copyright © 2023 by gloria.barron@montgomerycollege.edu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.