March Workshops
Creative Ways to Use Social Annotation in Your Courses
Pandemic Takeaways: What Did We Learn While Teaching in the Pandemic?
The Fours C’s of Good Writing: Commas, Clarity, Coherence, and Conciseness
YuJa Video Basics: A College-Sponsored Resource to Upload Videos for Your Students
Unpacking TPACK: Connecting Pedagogy, Content Knowledge, and Technology in the Digital Age
The Fours C’s of Good Writing: Commas, Clarity, Coherence, and Conciseness
Hypothesis: Creating Assignments That Require Social Annotation in Blackboard
Co-create with Me! Inviting Students to Collaborate and Innovate
The Fours C’s of Good Writing: Commas, Clarity, Coherence, and Conciseness
Sales-Managing Relationships and Tasks
Unpacking the Experiential Learning Luggage
Designing Effective Writing Assignments Across Disciplines
Preventing and Responding to Late-Assignments
YuJa Video Basics: A College-Sponsored Resource to Upload Videos for Your Students
3:30-4:30 pm
Creative Ways to Use Social Annotation in Your Courses
Instructors: Gloria Barron and Christie DeCarolis (hypothesis)
In this workshop, our team will lead participants in a discussion about various discussion protocols and active learning strategies that can help make social annotation more engaging and fun. Participants will come away from this session with multiple ways to use social annotation in their courses creatively.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- explain the benefits of incorporating social annotation with Hypothesis in their courses.
- Collect multiple ideas for how to incorporate social annotation in their courses.
Register in Workday
1-2 p.m.
Pandemic Takeaways: What Did We Learn While Teaching in the Pandemic?
Instructor: Philip Bonner
The COVID-19 pandemic forced instructors to move to remote teaching and embrace technology. Arguably, faculty are better prepared to leverage technology than ever before. Moreover, their attitudes and beliefs about digital learning have changed, generally becoming more positive. But what else have we learned from our collective pandemic experience? What are our pandemic takeaways? Come to this round-table style class to share with colleagues what you have learned and how you have changed as an instructor since the pandemic.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Explain how the COVID-19 pandemic changed attitudes and beliefs about digital learning among faculty
- Share what they have learned and how they have grown as educators since the pandemic.
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8:45 a.m.-12 p.m.
The Fours C’s of Good Writing: Commas, Clarity, Coherence, and Conciseness
Instructor: Philip Bonner
Writing well is a skill anyone can develop. In this 12-hour class over four sessions, learn to edit for common grammar errors and explore how to make your writing clearer, better organized, and more concise. Practice improving weak writing samples in small group exercises and learn with and from each other.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Identify and correct common grammar errors, including sentence fragments, run-on sentences, and dangling modifiers
Distinguish commonly confused words, e.g., than and then and it’s and its.
Edit for clarity, coherence, and conciseness.
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10:00-12:00 p.m.
YuJa Video Basics: A College-Sponsored Resource to Upload Videos for Your Students
Instructor: Tom Cantu / Carolien Annink
Are you tired of using your personal YouTube account to upload videos for your students? Would you like to eliminate the commercials that appear in the videos you have uploaded to YouTube by transferring them to another source? Have you been waiting for a college-sponsored resource for uploading videos? Are you looking for a resource that makes generating and modifying video transcripts easy to make your videos more accessible? Would you like to make minor edits, such as cutting video or merging clips, but you lack video editing software on your computer?
YuJa is a college-sponsored resource for uploading video content that takes care of these issues. YuJa allows you to upload videos without using your personal YouTube account while providing a similar value in creating auto-captions with the ability to edit those captions. YuJa is a resource for uploading a video that is commercial-free, college sanctioned, and the software provides a simple interface for editing videos.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Log onto YuJa
- Upload a video onto YuJa
- Organize YuJa Videos
- Link to YuJa Videos in Blackboard
- Embed YuJa Videos in Blackboard
- Upload a YouTube Video to YuJa
- Add Quiz questions to a YuJa video and score in the Grade Center
- Share Media with Another User
Please note that if you are interested in learning additional advanced YuJa Features, we will offer an advanced training titled YuJa Video Advanced: Adding Captions, Editing Video, and Viewing Analytics during April and May. This advanced training will cover editing YuJa Captions, Editing videos using YuJa’s built-in video editor, and YuJa video analytics.
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7-9 p.m.
Unpacking TPACK: Connecting Pedagogy, Content Knowledge, and Technology in the Digital Age
Instructor: Philip Bonner
The TPACK framework describes the intersections of the three knowledge areas needed by college instructors to integrate technology into classroom instruction successfully. The areas of knowledge are technological, pedagogical, and content and effective instruction in the twenty-first century requires expertise in all three. In this one-hour class, participants will learn how to use the TPACK model as a guide to enhance the students’ learning experience.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- identify the TPACK model.
- explain how the model can be used to guide instructors in integrating technology into a lesson and course design.
6-7 p.m.
Hypothesis: Creating Assignments That Require Social Annotation in Blackboard
Instructor: Gloria Barron
Adding hypothesis as an external tool to readings in Blackboard supports student success by
placing active discussion on course readings, enabling students and instructors to add
comments and start conversations in the margins of digital texts.
Attend this session to get everything you need to begin your implementation of hypothesis
assignments. Create engaging and interactive reading assignments in Blackboard or expand
your knowledge with the new ability to access Blackboard files and create student groups.
Learn about the potential of social annotation as a learning tool and discuss creative ways to
increase engagement in your courses.
You will walk away knowing how to create assignments that require collaborative annotation
with Hypotheses to make student reading visible, active, and social.
By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Describe how to get started with hypothesis and feel comfortable creating a graded
assignment. - Create assignments that require students to read socially and make annotations or
replies to other contributors. - Gather some fun ideas for expanding the use of collaborative annotation to improve
student success.
8:45 a.m.-12 p.m.
The Fours C’s of Good Writing: Commas, Clarity, Coherence, and Conciseness
Instructor: Philip Bonner
Writing well is a skill anyone can develop. In this 12-hour class over four sessions, learn to edit for common grammar errors and explore how to make your writing clearer, better organized, and more concise. Practice improving weak writing samples in small group exercises and learn with and from each other.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Identify and correct common grammar errors, including sentence fragments, run-on sentences, and dangling modifiers
- Distinguish commonly confused words, e.g., than and then and it’s and its.
- Edit for clarity, coherence, and conciseness.
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8:45 a.m.-12 p.m
Digital Body Language
Instructor: John Egan
For the past decade, large segments of our work environment have been moving to remote workplaces and communications have become increasingly digital, a trend accelerated with the Covid pandemic. It is critical that professionals become skilled at communicating effectively in an ever-expanding digital world.
Clear and effective communication is aided by nonverbal cues or body language. Since traditional nonverbal cues are not available in a digital world, it is essential to learn to introduce a replacement into our digital communications. Learn to apply techniques to digital communications that build trust, enhance collaboration, and strengthen relationships
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Select the most appropriate communication channel in any given situation to increase communication effectiveness
- Write clear emails that reduce misunderstandings and misinterpretations
- Analyze and successfully handle ambiguous digital messages
- Communicate digitally in ways that encourage collaborations and strengthen trust
- Apply techniques that communicate authentic feelings
- Negotiate delicate power dynamics up, down, and across the organization
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1-4 p.m.
Microsoft Excel Essentials
Instructor: Megan Calvert
This hands-on, small group workshop will provide a solid foundation in the use of Microsoft Excel. Whether you want an overview of the basics, are looking to become more efficient, or have used Excel for years and just want to update your knowledge of newer features, this course is for you. Even experienced users can benefit from valuable tips, tricks, and timesavers along the way.
Workshop outcomes are flexible and may be adjusted based on a survey of participant needs. Outcomes may include:
1. Access Excel via the desktop application and via Microsoft 365 (prior to workshop)
2. Identify the best uses for Excel
3. Navigate and customize the latest Excel environment
4. Create blank worksheets and worksheets from templates
5. Save, organize, locate, and open worksheets both locally and on the cloud
6. Share and collaborate on worksheets in real time using the cloud
7. Insert, delete, and modify content in cells
8. Modify columns, rows, and cells
9. Format cells for readability and accessibility
10. Work with multiple worksheets
11. Use basic formulas
12. Freeze rows and columns
13. Sort data
14. Filter data
15. Format data as a table
16. Check spelling and accessibility
17. Print workbooks and customize printing
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1-2 pm
Co-create with Me! Inviting Students to Collaborate and Innovate
Instructor: Angela Lanier
Description: Whether hard copy or digital, the textbook has long been a primary resource for teaching and learning in higher education. Recent movements toward Open Pedagogy and Decolonizing the Curriculum challenge educators to think differently about the role of the textbook and identify alternatives that value students’ voices, experiences, and contributions to the curriculum and assessment. This workshop will define what it means to have students co-create, give examples of what that looks like in practice, and highlight the benefit for both students and others.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Explain the different ways students can co-create
- Identify the benefits of co-creating with students and strategies to address challenges
- Review an existing assignment for opportunities for student co-creation
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8:45 a.m.-12 p.m
The Fours C’s of Good Writing: Commas, Clarity, Coherence, and Conciseness
Instructor: Philip Bonner
Writing well is a skill anyone can develop. In this 12-hour class over four sessions, learn to edit for common grammar errors and explore how to make your writing clearer, better organized, and more concise. Practice improving weak writing samples in small group exercises and learn with and from each other.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Identify and correct common grammar errors, including sentence fragments, run-on sentences, and dangling modifiers
- Distinguish commonly confused words, e.g., than and then and it’s and its.
- Edit for clarity, coherence, and conciseness.
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8:45-12 p.m.
Sales – Managing Relationships and Tasks – Customer Service Pathway
Facilitator: Richard Forrest
Today’s higher education customer service professionals are at the front lines of major market, industry, and environmental changes. While colleges have been experiencing years long declines in national enrollment, the educational expectations of students have also deeply changed. From the digitalization and the demand for highly flexible classes, to a focus on immediate employment needs versus long-term development goals, as well as managing differences along lines of national, ethnic, generational and gender expectations about higher education, the world of a customer service specialist is highly complex.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Identify issues effecting your customer service role/department in key areas of Relationships and Tasks
- Articulate what is being done well and what you would like to see change in customer services
- Appreciate the dilemmas involved in the change story
- Engage in creative thinking and simplified process to reconcile the dilemma and see what action and implementation steps are needed to realize desired outcomes.
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1-2 p.m.
Unpacking the Experiential Learning Luggage
Instructor: Angela Lanier
Given MC’s recent focus on Experiential Learning, it is important for faculty and staff to understand what it means and what it looks like in action. This workshop will give an overview of Experiential Learning, including possible course activities, benefits to students, and tips for career planning.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Define experiential learning
- Identify ways to promote the experiential learning and career connection
- Evaluate experiential learning activities and evaluate relevance across courses and disciplines
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1-4 p.m.
Microsoft Word Essentials
Instructor: Megan Calvert
This hands-on, small group workshop will provide a solid foundation in the use of Microsoft Word. Whether you want an overview of the basics, are looking to become more efficient, or have used Word for years and just want to update your knowledge of newer features, this course is for you. Even experienced users can benefit from valuable tips, tricks, and timesavers along the way.
Workshop outcomes are flexible and may be adjusted based on a survey of participant needs. Outcomes may include:
- Access Word via the desktop application and via Microsoft 365 (prior to workshop)
- Identify the best uses for Word
- Navigate and customize the Word environment
- Create blank documents and documents from templates, including Montgomery College templates
- Save, organize, locate, and open documents both locally and on the cloud
- Share and collaborate on documents in real time using the cloud
- Add, delete, move, cut, copy and paste text using the mouse, keyboard, and keyboard shortcuts
- Format text using Font and Paragraph
- Format text using Styles and Themes to increase accessibility
- Change the page layout, including page orientation, paper size, margins
- Add, modify, and sort bulleted and numbered lists
- Insert, modify, and format tables
- Insert and modify images
- Automatically check spelling, grammar, and accessibility
- Use the Find and Replace features
- Print documents and customize printing
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3-4 p.m.
Designing Effective Writing Assignments Across Disciplines
Instructor: Chip Gladson & WID Coordinators
Develop discipline-focused writing prompts that encourage students to think critically in your course and discipline. This hands-on workshop will equip you with creating prompts to improve writing assignments and the writing you receive from your students.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Identify significant learning outcomes, including simple to complex critical thinking skills
- Align goals with writing assignments
- Present writing assignments in ways that foster successful student writing
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3-4 p.m.
Preventing and Responding to Late-Assignments
Instructor: Carolien Annink
In this presentation, we will discuss the frustration many instructors face when assignments are not turned in on time. We will look at possible ways to prevent this phenomenon, and at ways to respond to it. Without the illusion of a Silver Bullet, participants will share and possibly find solace in an exchange of ideas, experiences and strategies.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Formulate their own experiences with late assignments turn-in
- Describe some experiences of their colleagues
- List possible teaching techniques/approaches to prevent and/or respond to the problem
- Design at least one small teaching act/activity in response to this problem.
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1-2 p.m.
Pedagogical Discussion # 5: Exploring Critical Race Theory (CRT): Designing Formative and Summative Assessment with a CRT Perspective
Instructor: Philip Bonner
The COVID-19 pandemic forced instructors to move to remote teaching and embrace technology. Arguably, faculty are better prepared to leverage technology than ever before. Moreover, their attitudes and beliefs about digital learning have changed, generally becoming more positive. But what else have we learned from our collective pandemic experience? What are our pandemic takeaways? Come to this round-table style class to share with colleagues what you have learned and how you have changed as an instructor since the pandemic.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Explain how the COVID-19 pandemic changed attitudes and beliefs about digital learning among faculty
- Share what they have learned and how they have grown as educators since the pandemic.
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2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
YuJa Video Basics: A College-Sponsored Resource to Upload Videos for Your Students
Instructor: Tom Cantu / Carolien Annink
Are you tired of using your personal YouTube account to upload videos for your students? Would you like to eliminate the commercials that appear in the videos you have uploaded to YouTube by transferring them to another source? Have you been waiting for a college-sponsored resource for uploading videos? Are you looking for a resource that makes generating and modifying video transcripts easy to make your videos more accessible? Would you like to make minor edits, such as cutting video or merging clips, but you lack video editing software on your computer?
YuJa is a college-sponsored resource for uploading video content that takes care of these issues. YuJa allows you to upload videos without using your personal YouTube account while providing a similar value in creating auto-captions with the ability to edit those captions. YuJa is a resource for uploading a video that is commercial-free, college sanctioned, and the software provides a simple interface for editing videos.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Log onto YuJa
- Upload a video onto YuJa
- Organize YuJa Videos
- Link to YuJa Videos in Blackboard
- Embed YuJa Videos in Blackboard
- Upload a YouTube Video to YuJa
- Add Quiz questions to a YuJa video and score in the Grade Center
- Share Media with Another User
Please note that if you are interested in learning additional advanced YuJa Features, we will offer an advanced training titled YuJa Video Advanced: Adding Captions, Editing Video, and Viewing Analytics during April and May. This advanced training will cover editing YuJa Captions, Editing videos using YuJa’s built-in video editor, and YuJa video analytics.
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2-2:45 p.m.
Instructor: Michele Knight
Tech it out is your opportunity to learn about new technology with a vibrant community of practitioners. During this 45-minute tech it out, participants will have the opportunity to choose from the following brief ten-minute awareness sessions for a quick overview of a technical topic.
Visio: A tool to create visual diagrams
Use of Microsoft Office 365 in Education: With Microsoft Office 365, the college has powerful, industry-standard tools that can be used to support student Learning. A showcase of how these tools can be used with students will be provided.
Socrative: This app allows faculty to provide effective engagement via on-the-fly activities and Learning, along with giving direct feedback to students.
For the last thirty-five minutes of tech-it-out we will have open discussion and sharing of things that the group is already using or that look interesting in the world of educational technology.
We welcome you to sign up for this session!
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Develop an awareness of a technical topic
- Participate in a “free-form” technical community of practice discussion
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