
Fundamentals of Supervision

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The Fundamentals of Supervision (the FUS) is a cohort specifically designed for aspiring and recently appointed individuals in supervisory positions at MC.  In addition to examining the essential skills and knowledge required of supervisors, the FUS seeks to guide MC employees through the complex landscape of modern supervision, where change, tradition, and innovation are always in play.

The FUS imparts knowledge of and experience with core skills cited as critical in first-line supervisory jobs at MC. The FUS is structured on the tri-pronged management approach used at Montgomery College: managing yourself, managing others, and navigating the system.

Classes are a combination of virtual and in-person sessions.

The first step to admission to the cohort is to submit an application which requires supervisory approval. The FuS is open to all MC employees—faculty, staff, and administrators. The first class is on November 8, 2023, and ends with a final class that involves Project Presentations and a graduation event on June 13, 2024.

The application deadline is November 6, 2023.

Fundamentals of Supervision FY24

Date Class
February 1 (full day) Orientation to Leadership and Management
February 22 (half day) Making the shift to Supervisor: Introducing ACL Model
February 23 (half day) Debrief**
March 8 (half day) Managing Tasks, Tools and Relationships
March 9 (half day) Debrief**
March 22 (full day) Coaching at Work
April 12 (half day) What’s Your Communication Style?
April 26 (half day) Trust, Feedback and Performance
May 25 (half day) Defining the Work, Delegating and Decision Making
May 26 (half day) Debrief**
May 30 Getting Things Done MC Style or Optional/Open to all of MC
June 9 Make-up day for canceled class
June 21 Project Presentations – Graduation

 For more information, contact Richard Forrest, Training and Development Coordinator.

Use MC LEARNS to apply and register. Class days vary so please check calendars carefully. Full-day class time is 8:45 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.

Please register in MC Learns to obtain an application.

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Fundamentals of Supervision Copyright © 2023 by gloria.barron@montgomerycollege.edu. All Rights Reserved.