
34 Domestic Violence in Cameroon ~ Huguette Sedou Yamen

By Huguette Sedou Yamen, Montgomery College, Maryland

“I stand at the center of a world that needs to raise awareness about domestic violence in Cameroon.”

Many cultures in Cameroon believe that the role of a woman in the marriage is just to have babies, and their place is in the kitchen. She does not have any right to speak while her husband is talking. And if by any mistake she finds herself replying to her husband while this one is talking to her, mainly in the presence of his family member, he will beat her up. I witnessed one of my aunts get beaten by her husband just because she talk back at him during an argument.I witnessed one of my aunts get beaten by her husband just because she talk back at him during an argument.     To resolve that issue, the government should create more institutions to enforce the law in protection of women rights. Also, the government needs to give more equipment and increase the budget of social workers so that they can raise awareness into family about the equality between men and women and to educate the population about women’s rights. I believe these actions from the government will reduce the amount of women victims of domestic violence in Cameroon.

From the UN Video Library ~ “Violence against women is an issue of fundamental human rights” November 2018 (7:15)


Video Summary and Quotes: This video was made during the #HearMeToo conference about all type of violence against women and girls around the globe in which the secretary- general António Guterres as a speaker qualified it as “an issue of fundamental human rights.”

“Violence experienced as a child is linked to vulnerability and violence later in life.” 

This quote means that every woman or girl, who was victim of any type of violence as a child, will be exposed to more abuse or can turn into the abuser once adult.

This video links to my topic because domestic violence is an issue which affects  women around the globe. Therefore, the measure taken by the UN to fight against it will force the government of Cameroon to pay close attention and to implement measures into the jurisdiction systems that benefit women and girls who are victims of domestic violence in Cameroon.

A Strong Institution Can Help Solve the Problem

CERF  is a part of the United Nations that helps GBV (gender based violence) survivors in Cameroon get back on their feet. It was created in 2005 and is established in more than 100 countries helping  women in need around the world.

“In conflict -battered Cameroon, thanks to Cerf funding, last year over 200 brave survivors of gender-base violence received economic kit that allowed them to set-up small businesses and finally gain financial independence.”


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