
Learning Pathways

Effective Committees

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Most organizations and Montgomery College have many committees. Whether you are a leader or a member of a committee, this learning pathway* provides skills and information you can apply to your participation immediately. The classes are organized within the context of Dr. Bruce Tuckman’s model of team building: forming, storming, norming, and performing.Learning Pathway classes required to earn a certificate:

  • Creating a Committee: People, Purpose, and Responsibilities

  • Planning and Facilitating Meetings 3
  • Why We Struggle with Tough Decisions: Overcoming Doubts and Dilemmas

  • Why Teams Don’t Progress: It’s the Individuals
  • How to Move the Team Forward: Team Dynamics
  • Working with Difficult People1, 2
  • Developing Positive Relationships at Work 1, 4

  • Delegating for Growth
  • Maximizing and Celebrating Committee Success

1 Also in Communication and Conflict LP2 Also in customer service LP3 Also in Management LP 4 Also in the Valuable Employee LP

The pathway classes are available to all employees through MC Learns as individual classes as well. If you are interested in achieving the certificate, the table below will help you plan your schedule. Not all classes are offered every year; it is at minimum a two-year plan.

Classes Scheduled for FY22:

Class name

Class Length

Class Date

Creating a Committee: People, Purpose, and Responsibilities One 3-hour class, online September 22: 8:45 a.m.- noon
Planning and Facilitating Meetings Two 3-hour

classes, online

November 16-17: 8:45


Maximizing and Celebrating Committee Success One 3-hour class, online March 8: 8:45 a.m.-noon
Delegating for Growth Digital Course On demand
Developing Positive Relationships at Work Digital Course On demand
Why We Struggle with Tough Decisions: Overcoming Doubts and Dilemmas Digital Course On demand
Classes not listed will be offered in FY23

*A learning pathway is a series of identified classes that provides you with an in-depth exploration of a skill area. When completed, a certificate of learning is awarded to acknowledge your commitment to pursue the study and practice of a specialized area of professional development.

Participation is paced to provide time to reflect upon your learning and integrate concepts and skills into your life and work.


Effective Committees Learning Pathway Class Overview:

Effective Committees Classes

Brief Class Description*

Creating a Committee: People, Purpose, and ResponsibilitiesFacilitator: Cynthia Mauris Identify appropriate stakeholders and create a solid foundation to function based on your mission and vision. Examine the values members hold and choose how they apply to the operating principles of the committee, which informs how the committee will operate.


Delegating for GrowthDigital Course Manage the delegation process by differentiating what is appropriate to delegate and matching people with opportunities.


Developing Positive Relationships at WorkDigital Course Assess work relationships on a common purpose and demonstrate actions that build lasting trust. Implement strategies to improve relationships by setting boundaries and standing your ground.


How to Move the Team Forward: Team DynamicsFacilitator: John Antonishak Discover how a group of individuals can become a team as they work through the storming stage. Assess your team and develop new techniques to apply to authentic situations.


Maximizing and Celebrating Committee SuccessFacilitator: Cynthia Mauris Developing strong connections between members fosters a sense of shared accountability, engagement, and commitment to a committee’s purpose. Analyze how celebrating progress and accomplishments strengthens community and fosters an environment that leads to greater success.


Planning and Facilitating MeetingsFacilitator: Cynthia Mauris Determine when meetings, face-to-face or online, are necessary and how to plan appropriately for them to be successful and effective. Draft an agenda and participate in a mock meeting.


Why Teams Don’t Progress: It’s the IndividualsFacilitator: John Antonishak Identify ineffective committee behaviors that prevent progress. Discuss strategies you can use to advance your committee toward its goal and to be effective in the process.


Why We Struggle with Tough Decisions: Overcoming Doubts and Dilemmas Digital Course What is the difference between important versus tough decisions? Explore the neuroscience of making decisions and identify the key steps in making tough decisions and how to avoid decision traps. Identify how to overcome the hesitations that cause you to avoid making decisions.


Working with Difficult PeopleFacilitator: James Boyle Examine various types of challenging situations and explore strategies for dealing with people to attain a successful outcome.


* Complete class descriptions and outcomes are in MC Learns.


image of hands upIf you are completing a learning pathway, register to attend the Learning Pathway Certificate Reception on June 29, 2022, in MC Learns. Certificates of completion will be presented to honor your commitment to your professional development.



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Fall 2022 ELITE Professional Development Workshop Catalog Copyright © by gloria.barron@montgomerycollege.edu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.