
December 2022



Academy Fall 2022 – Achieving your Teaching Goals through Action Research – (Session 3 of 3)
Academy Fall 2022 – Collaborative and Active Learning Techniques for Equity and Diversity – (Session 3 of 3)
Academy Fall 2022 – Datafication: Incorporating Data Science in Every MC Classroom – (Sessions 3 of 3)
Academy Fall 2022 – Realistic Rubrics to Facilitate the Evaluation – (Sessions 3 of 3)
Finding Reverence in the Workplace and Escaping the Daily Grind
Fall ELITE Virtual Faculty Showcase: Voices from the Covid-Inspired Fellowship Research
Introduction to the Pecha Kucha Method: Create Brief Presentations with Pop and Style.
Hypothesis: Creating Assignments That Require Social Annotation in Blackboard
How to Use Blackboard to Support Face-to-Face Instruction 
Providing Timely and Effective Feedback
Teaching and Learning: Instructional Design
Activate Your Creative Superpowers


2-4 pm

Academy Fall 2022 – Achieving your Teaching Goals through Action Research – (Session 3 of 3)

Instructors: Levena De La Rosa and Bonita Parker

Action research is “a disciplined process of inquiry conducted by and for those taking the action” (The Institute for the Study of Inquiry in Education). In this workshop series, participants will identify a pedagogical goal and implement an action research plan (ARP) to enhance student success. As part of ARP creation, participants will explore the benefits and challenges of using data analysis in action research as a consistent part of their instruction. Participants will apply relevant, current data to their work and will develop procedures for enhancing their own data collection for ongoing action research.

Online via Zoom

Fridays from 2:00 – 4:00 pm

  • September 30, 2022
  • October 28, 2022
  • December 2, 2022



  • Define an action research plan (ARP) and articulate the purpose of action research in their courses
  • Explore the types of data that could support action research relevant to their courses
  • Articulate their own ARP, and design an appropriate strategy for implementing their own ARPs
  • Effectively communicate the results of their research
  • Use data to refine an ARP to continue the assessment cycle

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2-4 pm

Academy Fall 2022 – Collaborative and Active Learning Techniques for Equity and Diversity – (Session 3 of 3)

Instructors: Sara Kalifa & Carolien Annink

Increasingly, studies show that lecturing as the only instructional technique is not the most effective teaching method in higher education and that students’ learning experience is much more meaningful and lasting when exposed to collaborative and active learning techniques. This is valid for all college students, and especially for students from underrepresented communities. This 3-workshop series is designed for faculty in all disciplines who are interested in learning about other ways to teach in addition to lecturing. Participants will experience, examine, and design a multitude of collaborative and active learning techniques for immediate use in their current classes.

Online via Zoom

Fridays from 2:00 – 4:00 pm

  • September 30, 2022
  • October 28, 2022
  • December 2, 2022



• List several reasons why teaching with CoAlts results in higher levels of learning and longer knowledge retention.

• Describe 8-10 techniques discussed in the three-workshop series.

• Design, develop and implement 3-5 classroom activities using the discussed collaborative and active learning techniques.

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2-4 pm

Academy Fall 2022 – Datafication: Incorporating Data Science in Every MC Classroom – (Sessions 3 of 3)

Facilitator: Rachel Saidi

Contact: Carolien Annink

As societies move to datafication, data literacy is important for all. This workshop series will introduce participants to concepts in data science. We will use tools such as R and R Studio and Tableau Public to learn how to load, explore, and analyze various datasets. The goal is to explore how data science techniques might be incorporated in classrooms across all disciplines at Montgomery College. No prior skills are required.


Fridays from 2:00 – 4:00 pm

  • September 30, 2022
  • October 28, 2022
  • December 2, 2022



  • Identify uses of data science real-world applications for the MC classroom
  • Identify and define forms of data visualizations
  • Publish and share data exploration code and visualizations
  • Incorporate accessibility elements into visualizations
  • Create and publish a data project that enhances teaching

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2-4 pm

Academy Fall 2022 – Realistic Rubrics to Facilitate the Evaluation – (Sessions 3 of 3)

Facilitator: Joan Naake

Rubrics facilitate evaluation, enhance fairness in grading, and can be applied to a variety of disciplines and assignments. During this 3-session workshop, participants will learn about a variety of rubric styles and develop course and assignment-specific rubrics that will help instructors to evaluate a wide variety of assessments and assignments more effectively.

Online via Zoom

Fridays from 2:00 – 4:00 pm

  • September 30, 2022
  • October 28, 2022
  • December 2, 2022



  • Describe how rubrics facilitate evaluation and enhance equality in grading
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of rubrics
  • Develop and implement a rubric for an assignment in their discipline

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10:00-11:00 a.m.

Finding Reverence in the Workplace and Escaping the Daily Grind

Instructor: Phil Bonner

Finding reverence at work sounds like an impossible task, but is it? Can we find such a profound emotion in the daily grind? We spend a huge part of our lives in the workplace and making those hours as meaningful as possible serves to enrich our lives and make us more productive employees. Through discussing ways of seeing the workplace through new eyes and participating in exercises on “reverential collaboration,” and attendees will be able to turn the daily grind into a daily exultation. This workshop qualifies for Multiculturalism/Diversity credit.


  • define what it is they revere in life and at work.
  • collaborate more effectively and happily with coworkers.
  • create daily rituals of reverence for work and home.

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10-11:15 a.m.

Fall 2022 ELITE Virtual Faculty Showcase: Voices from the Covid-Inspired Fellowship Research

Instructor: Angela Lanier

The ELITE Faculty Showcase is an annual event that highlights faculty members’ work around a specific theme. Each showcase features faculty from different disciplines sharing their research, innovative strategies, classroom experiences, and lessons learned. This year’s showcase will feature highlights from the COVID-Inspired Fellowship research.

  • Prof. Serena Gould: “Working Through: Using Personal Narrative and Self-Reflection for Teachers and Students to Re-evaluate Traumatic Affect and Identity in the Post Covid World ”
  • Dr. Rashi Jain: “Exploring Transnational Identities in an EAP Classroom: Countering Deficit Narratives Around Immigrant Identities in the Midst of a Pandemic”
  • Dr. Geetha Kada: “A Descriptive Study to Assess the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Nursing Students’ Learning Outcomes And Their Quality Of Life”
  • Dr. Brandon Wallace: “The Sixth Sense of Six Stories: Using Endarkened Empathy to Connect with African American Males through Narrative Inquiry”


• Identify ideas from faculty presentations to inform teaching and learning practices
• Consider participation in future research and fellowship opportunities

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Blackboard, Self-Paced

Introduction to the Pecha Kucha Method: Create Brief Presentations with Pop and Style.

Instructor: Michele Knight

Pecha Kucha is a method for developing brief, crisp, lively, and engaging presentations. The owners of a Japanese architectural firm developed this presentation style. The format consists of twenty PowerPoint slides, and the presenter spends twenty seconds talking about each slide. Designed properly, this creates a succinct, well-crafted presentation of 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

College professors in the US and abroad are also using this presentation to revamp how they present PowerPoints to their students. Students can also learn this technique to enliven individual and group presentations they deliver to their peers. During this workshop, participants will review a series of Pecha Kucha videos and explanatory videos that provide inspiration about using this presentation style with students. Faculty must contribute a few ideas to a Pecha Kucha idea gallery (discussion) regarding ways this method can be used with students. Faculty must also contribute a completed Pecha Kucha storyboard consisting of twenty slides and share these slides with their colleagues.


  • Describe the Pecha Kucha format and how it is employed in developing presentations
  • Compare and contrast the Pecha Kucha format with traditional Presentation styles
  • Discuss ways that Pecha Kucha can be used with students
  • Review tips on developing a Pecha Kucha
  • Develop part of a storyboard for a Pecha Kucha Presentation
  • Post your Pecha Kucha storyboard for your peers

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6-7 p.m.

Hypothesis: Creating Assignments That Require Social Annotation in Blackboard

Instructor: Gloria Barron

imageAdding hypothesis as an external tool to readings in Blackboard supports student success by placing active discussion on course readings, enabling students and instructors to add comments and start conversations in the margins of digital texts. This workshop is an excellent opportunity to learn about the potential of social annotation as a learning tool and discuss creative ways to increase engagement in your courses.

Attend this session to get everything you need to begin your implementation of hypothesis assignments. Create engaging and interactive reading assignments in Blackboard or expand your knowledge with the new ability to access Blackboard files and create student groups.


  • Describe how to get started with hypothesis and feel comfortable creating a graded assignment.
  • Create assignments that require students to read socially and make annotations or replies to other contributors.
  • Gather some fun ideas for expanding the use of collaborative annotation to improve student success.

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11-12 p.m.

How to Use Blackboard to Support Face-to-Face Instruction

Instructor: Michele Knight

As we move towards more on-campus experiences, you may be wondering how you can take the Blackboard skillset you learned while we were remote to support on-campus instructional experiences. Blackboard has many tools that will help you to support your students. During this workshop, we will explore common Blackboard features that you can use to curate resources, hold robust class discussions, host office hours, provide updates to students and facilitate student collaboration. Instructors will also be invited to share their personal experiences using Backboard to support Face-to-Face instruction.


  • Describe the benefits of using Blackboard to support Face-to-Face Instruction.
  • Explore common Blackboard features used to support Face-to-Face Instruction.
  • Share best practice tips for using Blackboard to support Face-to-Face Instruction.

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2:00-3:00 p.m.

Providing Timely and Effective Feedback

Instructor: Phil Bonner

Most instructors agree that timely and meaningful feedback is essential for student success. However, how do instructors provide such feedback given their time constraints and workloads? Participants in this one-hour class will explore ways to meet this objective without a huge sacrifice of time.


  • identify ways to provide timely and effective feedback.
  • incorporate one or more techniques for providing feedback into their next courses.

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10-11 am

Teaching and Learning: Instructional Design 

Instructor: Carolien Annink

Five tips for Designing and Teaching Courses. Supporting learning for all students, especially for first-generation college students. In this workshop participants will hear about some practical teaching strategies that have proven to close the opportunity gap for underrepresented college students. Participants will examine these strategies for their own classrooms and make a beginning at rethinking their lesson plans.


  • List at least 3 tips for more inclusive college teaching
  • Examine how to include these tips in their lesson plans
  • Compare and contrast their teaching experiences with their colleagues

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11-12:30 p.m.

Activate Your Creative Superpowers

Instructor: Angela Lanier

Everyone has creative potential, but how do we bring it to the surface? Whether you are searching for ways to be more creative in your work and personal life, or you are stalled in your creative pursuits, this workshop is designed to help you jumpstart your creativity. We will explore what it means to be creative and try out strategies to get creatively “unstuck.” BEFORE THE WORKSHOP, please take five minutes to complete the Creative Pursuits Survey: https://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/faculty/uzzi/ftp/page176.html and watch this seven-minute video “Unleash Your Creative Instincts” (https://youtu.be/ZEGWorKBl_E?t=620) by Gary Goodwin (start at the 10:20 mark).


  • Define creativity
  • Identify barriers to creativity
  • Apply strategies that foster creative work

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Fall 2022 ELITE Professional Development Workshop Catalog Copyright © by gloria.barron@montgomerycollege.edu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.