Learning Pathways
Communicating Professionally in the Workplace
You communicate verbally, in writing, and with your body language. When working, you represent Montgomery College to internal and external customers; therefore, you want to be at your best. This learning pathway* offers classes in each of the three dimensions.
Learning Pathway classes required to earn a certificate:
Verbal Communication
Written and Media Communication
Kinesthetic Communication
The pathway classes are available to all employees through MC Learns as individual classes as well. If you are interested in achieving the certificate, the table below will help you plan your schedule. Not all classes are offered every year; it is at minimum a two-year plan.
Classes Scheduled for FY23:
Class name | Class Length and Format | Class Date and Time |
Crucial Conversations for Dialogue | Five 2.5-hour classes, online | September 26-30: 2-4:30 p.m.June 20-23o June 20-22: 2-4:30 p.m.o June 23: 9-11:30 a.m. & 2-4:30 p.m. |
The Fours C’s of Good Writing: Commas, Clarity,Coherence, and Conciseness | 12-hour class in four, 3-hoursessions, online | February 28, March 2, 7, 98:45 a.m.-noon |
MC Style Guide and Social Media Skills | One 3-hour class, online | November 9, 1:15-4:30 p.m. |
Digital Body Language | One 3-hour class, online | March 8, 8:45 a.m.-noon |
Business Etiquette | e-Course | On-demand |
Effective Listening Skills | e-Course | On-demand |
Put It in Writing | e-Course | On-demand |
Solid Business Writing | e-Course | On-demand |
Classes not listed will be offered in FY24 | ||
*A learning pathway is a series of identified classes that provides you with an in-depth exploration of a skill area. When completed, a certificate of learning is awarded to acknowledge your commitment to pursue the study and practice of a specialized area of professional development.
Participation is paced to provide time to reflect upon your learning and integrate concepts and skills into your life and work.
Communicating Professionally in the Workplace Learning Pathway Class Overview:
Classes | Brief Class Description* |
Active Listening and Making AssumptionsFacilitator: MC Ombuds | Learn how to accept criticism instead of reacting with a flight-or-fight response and learn how to give criticism to help others correctmistakes and improve the quality of their work.
Business EtiquetteDigital Course | Focus on the conduct and procedures that are generally acceptable and polite in the workplace and typically unspoken, which build and maintain relations. Invest in building relationships, one of your mostvaluable assets at work.
Crucial Conversations for DialogueFacilitator: Richard Forrest, Cynthia Mauris | Develop skills in how to plan and have an effective and successfulcrucial conversation where the stakes are high, emotions are strong, and opinions are opposing.
Digital Body LanguageFacilitator: John Egan | Digital communication has become an ever more significant feature in our work lives. Apply techniques to your digital communications thatbuild trust, enhance collaboration, and strengthen relationships.
Effective Listening SkillsDigital Course | Increase your ability to describe the importance of listening by identifying barriers to listening well and implementing the steps of active, effective listening. Enhance productivity and teamwork byincreasing the information flow to and with others.
Everyday BiasFacilitator: Kimberly Bloch-Rincon | Gain insight into how the brain learns, through socialization, to categorize rapidly at an unconscious level. Recognize and overcomepreconceptions.
The Fours C’s of Good Writing: Commas, Clarity, Coherence, and ConcisenessFacilitator: Philip Bonner | Learn and practice effective writing techniques. Emphasis is placed on using clear, concise language to meet the needs of readers.
MC Style Guide and Social Media SkillsFacilitator: MC Communications Staff | When you create an item—report, brochure, flyer, social media messaging—it represents mc and should have a consistent style and look. Become familiar with the writing style MC uses and how the logoand other College branding elements should be applied.
Put It in WritingDigital Course | Sharing information in a report is an integral part of most workers’ responsibilities. Without the right information or the right delivery, a report can hinder communication more than support it. Identify how to prepare content and structure and make your reports clear,credible, professional, and accurate.
Solid Business WritingDigital course | As more communication occurs in writing rather than face-to-face, it is critical to implement techniques to effectively write all types of business documents. Plan, organize, and edit your documents for acomplete and professional result.
* Complete class descriptions and outcomes are in MC Learns.
If you are completing a learning pathway, register to attend the Learning Pathway Certificate Reception on June 29, 2023, in MC Learns. Certificates of completion will be presented to honor your commitment to your professional development.