
Candy Ho; Pamela Ip; and Mary Wall

Cohort 2019-2020


You are a part of a global effort to increase access to education and empower students through “open pedagogy.”  Open pedagogy is a “free access” educational practice that places you – the student – at the center of your own learning process in a more engaging, collaborative learning environment.  The ultimate purpose of this effort is to achieve greater social justice in our community in which the work can be freely shared with the broader community.  This is a renewable assignment that is designed to enable you to become an agent of change in your community through the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  For this work, you will integrate the disciplines of Math; Marketing; Education Studies to achieve SDG #03: Good Health and Well-Being; SDG #10: Reduced Inequalities; 10.2 : By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status

Learning Objectives

This is a renewable assignment that is designed to strengthen the relationship between domestic and international students in your community through the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


For this work, you will be integrating the disciplines of education, marketing and numeracy towards achieving SDG #3: improve good health and well-being and SDG #10: reduce Inequality within and among countries. Specifically, Target 10.2: By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status. This active learning practice is designed to create awareness of resources in the community while sharing your personal experiences (as both domestic and international students). This interdisciplinary assignment has 4-parts:


Part 1

Assess current situation Watch Video “All that We Share”: https://youtu.be/jD8tjhVO1Tc and then in your small groups, share your experiences regarding the following:

  • What was your initial experience applying to post-secondary education? How did you learn the steps to apply to KPU/MC)? What challenges did you experience and how did you overcome them? Did you do it yourself or did you have help (siblings, parents, friends, agents?)
  • Share how each of you arrived at school on the first day? Did your parents drop you off, did you come on your own by car, transit, or did you just get come from the airport?)
  •  What was your first day on MC/KPU campus and recall as many details as possible, as if you were there back on your first day. What thoughts and feelings rose for you throughout the day? Assignment: Drawing from your own experience, write a 250-word reflection paper on how your experience and challenges might impact students, considering both domestic and international viewpoints.

Part 2

Review an Open Teaching and Learning Project from CMNS 1140 This Introduction to Business Communications class (CMNS 1140) spent the term studying barriers to international student success.


• Review the table of contents. Based on your discussion from part 1, what topics attracted you?

• Teams will vote on a topic with which to proceed.

Part 3

Choose your own adventure assignment.

Teams will be formed with both domestic and international students. (4-6 students per team) A progress report(s) will be submitted and each team has a rotating project lead. With your team, brainstorm ideas

Part 4

Shift in Mindset (Diversity and Inclusivity) ‘

You’ve now had a chance to work in teams in this class, and likely in other classes as well. This final component is designed to help you develop appreciation for the need to be inclusive whilst work

Format Requirements

Assignment (choose one):

1. Conduct research that shows the positive correlation in working in or being part of a diverse team. What could be done in the classroom itself to improve interaction. How can our campus environment be improved to make all students feel welcome. OR

2. Research and explain how to create an inclusive team. What could be done in the classroom itself to enhance inclusion. How can our campus environment be improved in order to make all students feel included.



International Students is licensed by Candy Ho, Kwantlen Polytechnic University; Pamela Ip, Kwantlen Polytechnic University; Mary Wall, Montgomery College under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-NC) 



Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

UN Sustainable Development Goals Open Pedagogy Fellowship Copyright © 2021 by Deborah Baker; Urooj Nizami; Jamie Witman; Josie Milliken; Rajiv Jhangiani; Robin DeRosa; Michael Mills; Carla Ghanem; Shinta Hernandez; and Christine Crefton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.