
Chapter 5 – Advancing

In this chapter, you will demonstrate your ability to advance Open Educational Resources (OER) through collaboration, mentorship, and leadership. This is your opportunity to showcase how your OER work, initiatives, or knowledge has made a significant impact in one or more of the following areas: how your OER has enhanced student learning, how you have contributed to the broader OER community, how you have collaborated with educators to share your resources on public platforms, and/or how you have demonstrated leadership in the OER space through OER adoption, mentoring colleagues on using OERs, or leading OER initiatives.

This chapter aims to assess your competence in advancing the use of OERs for collaboration and transformation within your academic or professional sphere. You will create a video demonstrating your OER work, highlighting your innovative impact on learning and your leadership and mentorship role in guiding colleagues toward OER adoption.

Through this activity, we aim to see how you position yourself as a leader in OER, contributing meaningfully to the community while driving forward the use of open educational practices.

Activity: OER Collaboration and Leadership Video Demonstration

Objective: To assess your competence in advancing OERs through collaboration, mentoring, and leadership by showcasing your OER project in a video format.

Instructions for the Video Submission:

  1. Create the Video Demonstration:
    • Record a 3-5 minute video that demonstrates your OER work.
    • In your video, showcase how your OER work, initiatives, or knowledge has made a significant impact in one or more of the following areas:
      • Enhanced student learning: How has your OER improved student engagement, outcomes, or accessibility?
      • Contribution to the broader OER community: What have you done to support the growth and sustainability of the OER community, such as developing resources that others have adopted or adapted?
      • Collaboration with educators: How have you collaborated with others to share your resources on public platforms or within your network?
      • Demonstrated leadership in the OER space: Have you led OER adoption efforts, mentored colleagues in using OERs, or spearheaded OER initiatives in your institution or field?
    • Ensure the video communicates at least one of the following:
      • Project value: How does your OER project improve learning or teaching? What makes it innovative?
      • Mentorship and leadership: Explain your role in mentoring others in OER adoption or leading initiatives within your institution or community.
      • Call to action: Provide insight on how others can adopt or adapt your project in their own context.
    • Quality considerations:
      • Make sure the video has clear audio and visuals.
      • Include closed captions to ensure accessibility for all viewers.
  2. Submit the Video:
    • You may submit the video either as a link (if uploaded to a video hosting platform like YouTube or Yuja) or as a file upload.
    • Supported file types for upload include:
      • MP4, MOV, WMV, AVI.
      • Maximum file size: 1GB.
    • For larger files, you are encouraged to upload the video to a hosting platform and provide a link.

Submission Checklist:

  • Video Length: 3-5 minutes.
  • File Format: MP4, MOV, WMV, AVI.
  • File Size: Maximum of 1GB (If larger, submit a link).
  • Content:
    • Clear demonstration of your OER project and its impact.
    • Quality audio, video, and captions for accessibility.
  • Video Submission: Either as a direct file upload or a link to a hosted video.

Evaluation Criteria:

To earn the microcredential, you must demonstrate competence in at least one of the first four criteria (Impact on Student Learning, Contribution to the OER Community, Collaboration with Educators, or Leadership in the OER Space) and at least one of the last three criteria (Project Value, Mentorship and Leadership, or Call to Action).

Please note that video quality will be weighted much less than the content of your demonstration—10% for video quality versus 90% for content. Refer to the rubric that will be used in assessing your video submission.

A rubric titled "Rubric for OER Collaboration and Leadership Video Demonstration" with four columns (Criteria, Developing, Competent (Earns the Microcredential), and Accomplished) and eight rows for different evaluation criteria. Impact on Student Learning: Developing: Provides limited or unclear evidence of how the OER has improved student engagement, outcomes, or accessibility. Competent: Clearly demonstrates how the OER has improved student engagement, outcomes, or accessibility. Accomplished: Extensively demonstrates how the OER has significantly transformed student learning, engagement, or accessibility. Contribution to the OER Community: Developing: Provides minimal or unclear evidence of contribution to the broader OER community. Competent: Demonstrates meaningful contributions to the OER community, such as developing OERs that others have adopted. Accomplished: Shows significant contributions to the OER community, leading to widespread adoption or adaptation of OERs. Collaboration with Educators: Developing: Shows little to no evidence of collaboration with other educators or resource sharing on public platforms or networks. Competent: Highlights clear collaboration with educators to share OER resources on public platforms or within networks. Accomplished: Demonstrates extensive collaboration, sharing OER resources widely across networks or public platforms. Leadership in the OER Space: Developing: Provides minimal or no evidence of leadership or mentorship in OER adoption. Competent: Clearly demonstrates leadership or mentorship in OER adoption, guiding colleagues or leading OER initiatives. Accomplished: Shows significant leadership and mentorship, spearheading impactful OER adoption and initiatives. Project Value: Developing: The project’s value is unclear or minimally communicated, with limited impact on learning or teaching. Competent: Effectively communicates the value of the OER work, showcasing its innovation and impact on learning or teaching. Accomplished: Strongly communicates the value and innovation of the OER work, with clear and substantial educational impact. Mentorship and Leadership: Developing: Limited or no evidence of mentoring others in OER adoption or leading initiatives. Competent: Demonstrates clear evidence of mentoring colleagues in OER adoption or leading initiatives in the OER space. Accomplished: Provides substantial evidence of ongoing mentorship and leadership in advancing OER initiatives. Call to Action: Developing: Lacks a clear call to action or fails to provide insight on how others can adopt the OER work. Competent: Provides a clear call to action, offering insight on how others can adopt or adapt the OER work. Accomplished: Provides an inspiring and actionable call to action, motivating others to adopt or adapt the OER work. Video Quality (less weighted): Developing: Video has unclear audio/visuals, lacks captions, or is difficult to follow. Competent: Video is clear with good audio/visual quality and includes captions for accessibility. Accomplished: High-quality video with excellent audio/visuals, captions, and a professional presentation. Instructions at the bottom: To earn the microcredential, you must demonstrate competence in at least one of the first four criteria (Impact on Student Learning, Contribution to the OER Community, Collaboration with Educators, or Leadership in the OER Space) and at least one of the last three criteria (Project Value, Mentorship and Leadership, or Call to Action). Please note that video quality will be weighted much less than the content of your demonstration—10% for video quality versus 90% for content.



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