Book Title: OER Learning Architect
Subtitle: This Pressbook has been designed to support educators in advancing their instructional design skills with Open Educational Resources (OER). It is organized into five key activities: Recognizing, Accepting, Adapting, Exploring, and Advancing. Each section includes specific objectives, reflective exercises, and practical applications focused on enhancing accessibility, inclusivity, and collaboration through OER. To pursue the OER Learning Architect badge, you must first successfully complete the OER Advocate badge.
Book Information
Book Description
This Pressbook has been designed to support educators in advancing their instructional design skills with Open Educational Resources (OER). It is organized into five key activities: Recognizing, Accepting, Adapting, Exploring, and Advancing. Each section includes specific objectives, reflective exercises, and practical applications focused on enhancing accessibility, inclusivity, and collaboration through OER.
To pursue the OER Learning Architect badge, you must first successfully complete the OER Advocate badge. You can refer to the OER Advocate Pressbook for more information. Once the prerequisite badge is attained, you may begin working through these activities. Please refer to the rubric for detailed guidance, or contact Christine Crefton for further assistance.
OER Learning Architect Copyright © by Christine Crefton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
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