9.3 Distribution Needed for Hypothesis Testing

WATCH: Assumptions Needed to Perform Hypothesis Tests

z-TEST: Hypothesis test of a single population mean [latex]\mu[/latex]:

  • Sample data should be simple random sample
  • Individual observations should be independent of other observations
  • Population should be distributed normally or the sample size should be sufficiently large [latex](n \ge 30)[/latex] without any skew or outliers to ensure that the sampling distribution of the sample means [latex](\bar x)[/latex] is normal or approximately normal (Central Limit Theorem, UNIT 3)
  • Population standard deviation σ is known (in reality σ is rarely known, though)

z-TEST: Hypothesis test of a single population proportion [latex]p[/latex]:

  • Sample data should be simple random sample
  • Ensure that the sampling distribution of [latex]\hat p[/latex] is approximately normal: [latex]np > 5[/latex] AND [latex]nq > 5[/latex]   where [latex]q = 1 - p[/latex].
    Some textbooks require [latex]np \ge 10[/latex] and [latex]nq \ge 10[/latex].
  • Individual observations should be independent of other observations


t-TEST: Hypothesis test of a single population mean μ:

  • Sample data should be simple random sample without any skew or outliers
  • Population should be distributed normally or approximately normally distributed (Can relax this requirement for large samples)
  • Population standard deviation σ is unknown
  • Individual observations should be independent of other observations



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