Super Staff Tuesdays
Super Staff Tuesdays provide dedicated staff with ongoing professional development opportunities tailored to personal, leadership, and technical skills. Whether mastering new technologies, improving communication strategies, or exploring innovative approaches to problem-solving, Super Staff Tuesdays offer a supportive space for growth and learning.
1/14Â Â Taming Your To-Do List
Description:Â Â
No one has more time than another, yet some people are more productive. Learn how to create and manage your to-do lists to help you increase your productivity. Upon completion of this session, you will be able to get more accomplished each day with your improved lists.
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Prioritize tasks and manage time more easily
- Reduce your stress related to deadlines and responsibilities
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1/14Â Pegging Your Memory
Description:Â Â
Have you ever walked into a room and asked yourself, “Why did I come here? What was I supposed to get?” If you are like most people, you have experienced this situation. Discover an easy method for remembering short lists called a peg system: a memory aid that works by creating mental associations between two concrete objects in a one-to-one fashion that will later be applied to to-be-remembered information. Know what to do the next time you walk into the room!
Outcomes:Â Â
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Use the peg system for remembering short lists.
- Be more efficient when completing tasks that require short-term memory recall of lists.
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1/14 Mail Merge: How to Send Personalized Emails with Microsoft Word
Description:Â Â
Have you ever received an email with your name at the top that was clearly part of a mass mailing? In this speed session, you’ll learn how to do the same using Microsoft Word. After a quick overview of Mail Merge basics, you’ll have the opportunity to practice sending your own personalized batch email.
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Identify when and why to use Mail Merge.
- Prepare an Excel spreadsheet for merge fields.
- Create and send customized batch emails using Mail Merge.
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1/14 YuJa Open Lab via Zoom
Description:Â Â
ELITE’s YuJa Online Open Labs are a flexible and convenient way to enhance your video content creation and management skills. These one-hour, informal sessions provide a drop-in opportunity for faculty to engage directly with YuJa experts. Whether you aim to transition from a personal YouTube account to our professional, college-endorsed video platform, wish to provide your students with commercial-free educational resources, or require efficient video editing and transcript generation tools, our Open Labs can help.
You can come and go as you please during the open labs within the hour, making it perfectly tailored to your busy schedule. You’ll receive personalized assistance with YuJa, from uploading commercial-free videos to making minor edits and merging clips without additional software. Our labs offer the flexibility of Zoom, allowing you to connect from anywhere and get the answers you need swiftly and efficiently.
Embrace the convenience of YuJa’s user-friendly interface and college-sanctioned resources to make your video content accessible and engaging for all students. No extensive commitment—just the support you need when you need it.
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Participate in ELITE’s YuJa Online Open Labs to engage with experts, seeking personalized assistance to answer specific questions about using the platform.
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1/14 Activate Your Creative Superpowers
Description:Â Â
Everyone has creative potential, but how do we bring it to the surface? Whether you are searching for ways to be more creative in your work and personal life, or you are stalled in your creative pursuits, this workshop is designed to help you jumpstart your creativity. We will explore what it means to be creative and try out strategies to get creatively “unstuck.”
BEFORE THE WORKSHOP, please take five minutes to complete the Creative Pursuits Survey: and watch this seven-minute video “Unleash Your Creative Instincts” ( by Gary Goodwin (start at the 10:20 mark).
Outcomes:Â Â
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Define creativity
- Identify barriers to creativity
- Apply strategies that foster creative work
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1/14 Excel Open Lab: Time-saving Functions
Time: 2:15 PM – 3:15 PM
Instructor: Anna Donohoe
This open lab session will introduce a set of specific features and tasks (listed below) in the first half of our time together. The second half is structured as open office hours for participants to practice using the skills introduced and/or ask questions about anything related to Microsoft Excel.
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Automatically process data using built-in functions: Flash Fill, Remove Duplicates
- Efficiently enter pattern-based information using the Fill Handle
- Format data as a Table to easily sort and filter based on a range of criteria
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1/14 Converting Original Courses to Blackboard Learn Ultra
Time: 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Instructors: Anna Donohoe and Paul Miller
Description:Â Â
This session introduces converting an existing course from Blackboard Learn Original to Blackboard Learn Ultra. Two recommended course copy approaches and the benefits of each approach are explained step-by-step.
Outcomes:Â Â
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Explain the differences between Original and Ultra Courses.
- Identify the course copy approach they plan to utilize.
- Explain the value of course preparation for conversion.