First Faculty Fridays
First Faculty Fridays provide instructors with consistent, dedicated time to tackle the evolving educational challenges and opportunities. These workshops offer practical strategies and fresh perspectives that can be immediately applied in the classroom, helping you stay ahead and make a lasting impact on your students. FFFFeb
3/7 Get More Power Out of PowerPoint: Features for Faculty
Time: 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Instructor: Megan Calvert
Whether you use PowerPoint to organize lessons or are preparing students for a presentation assignment, this workshop will show you easy ways to “wow” your audience and increase your capabilities. We’ll take a quick tour of several newer features that will allow you to design your slides more quickly, collaborate on projects, embed multimedia, make presentations more interactive and accessible, and more.
Note that Microsoft PowerPoint can be accessed and installed at no cost via by both students and faculty. Participants should ideally have access to PowerPoint during the workshop to be able to try out features and ask specific questions.
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Improve design quickly with artificial intelligence tools such as Designer and Morph
- Use OneDrive for real-time collaboration
- Incorporate multimedia into lessons by embedding videos and creating recordings
- Promote accessibility using the Accessibility Checker, PowerPoint Live, and Presenter Coach
3/7 Transforming Assessments into Assets through Metacognition
Time: 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Instructor: Angela Lanier
Assets are resources that have valuable future benefits. How can we transform learning assessments into assets that have ongoing benefits for both instructors and learners? In this workshop we will review several metacognitive practices that promote reflection, goal setting, or tracking learning progress.
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Define metacognition and its benefit to student learning
- Identify at least one course assessment to integrate metacognitive practices
3/7 Blackboard Learn Ultra Basics
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Instructors: Ultra Team
This session covers the basics of Blackboard Learn Ultra, from the interface and navigation to best practices when building a new course.
- Navigate the Blackboard Learn Ultra environment.
- Identify key features of the Blackboard Learn Ultra interface.
- Explain how consistent course navigation can support student learning.
3/7 Blackboard Learn Ultra Virtual Office Hours
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Instructors: Ultra Team
The MC Learn Ultra transition team invites you to join us virtually for office hours. We are here for you to answer questions and connect you to resources around MC’s transition to Blackboard Learn Ultra. In person options are also available (separate signup in Workday). Please ensure you have access to a development course in Blackboard Ultra before attending office hours. More information:
On completion of this session, participants will be able to:
- Access Blackboard Learn Ultra resources at MC
- Answer FAQs about building and teaching courses in Blackboard Learn Ultra
3/7 Converting Original Courses to Blackboard Learn Ultra
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Instructors: Ultra Team
This session introduces converting an existing course from Blackboard Learn Original to Blackboard Learn Ultra. Two recommended course copy approaches and the benefits of each approach are explained step-by-step.
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Explain the differences between Original and Ultra Courses.
- Identify the course copy approach they plan to utilize.
- Explain the value of course preparation for conversion.
3/7 Strategies for Optimizing Student Engagement and Learning Outcomes
Time: 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Instructor: Laurent Ndeze
This workshop examines evidence-based strategies for engaging learners, sustaining their interest, and maximizing their learning outcomes. You will learn how to design engaging activities, promote a positive learning environment, and implement techniques that align with diverse learner needs and preferences. We will work on practical applications that enhance student motivation, participation, and success.
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Identify key factors that influence student engagement
- Identify strategies and techniques that support student motivation and active participation.
- Design learning activities that cater to diverse student needs, and preferences
- Identify and apply assessment methods that promote meaningful feedback, and further student engagement