
ELITE After Dark

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The Office of E-Learning, Innovation, and Teaching Excellence is pleased to announce ELITE After Dark, professional development tailored to fit your busy schedule.

We are now offering some of ELITE’s most popular workshops in the evening between 5:00-9:00 pm.

For more information about available workshops and to register, see below:

Monday, December 2, 6:00-7:30 PM

Backward Design to Make Online Discussions Fun!

Facilitator: Tom Cantu

Online courses sometimes seem formulaic: read the book, take the quiz, submit your assignment, oh… and post in the discussion. This interactive session will guide participants through a process of backward design to identify key components including course and curriculum goals; discipline thinking as it is represented in their course; and the knowledge, skills, and attitudes embedded in the final exam, final paper, or final project. Participants will then use that information to craft engaging discussion activities that serve as scaffolding, preparing students all semester long for the performance required on the final assessment. This approach re-creates “the classroom experience” bringing the discussions front and center in the course to intentionally re-create a professor’s favorite teachable moments.

Register in Workday

Tuesday, December 3, 7:00-8:30 PM

Enhancing Student Engagement with Hyperdocs: A Hands-On Workshop

Facilitator: Philip Bonner

Discover the power of hyperdocs in a comprehensive 90-minute workshop designed to enhance your classes. Hyperdocs are interactive, multimedia-rich documents that provide students with an engaging, self-paced learning experience. You’ll learn how to create hyperdocs that integrate various instructional elements, such as videos, links, and interactive activities, while also exploring advanced design techniques to promote interactivity and accessibility. We will discuss best practices for incorporating hyperdocs into your curriculum, ensuring student engagement. By the end of the workshop, you’ll have the skills to design your own hyperdoc and a plan to implement them effectively in your courses.


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Fall 2024 ELITE Professional Development Catalog Copyright © 2024 by gloria.barron@montgomerycollege.edu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.