
December – All Workshops

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December – All Workshops

12/2 ELITE After Dark: Backward Design to Make Online Discussions Fun!

12/3 ELITE After Dark: Enhancing Student Engagement with Hyperdocs: A “Hands-On” Workshop

12/6 Blackboard Learn Ultra Basics

12/6 Blackboard Learn Ultra Virtual Office Hours

12/6 Converting Original Courses to Blackboard Learn Ultra

12/6 Outlook Open Lab: Templates & Rules

12/6 First Faculty Fridays: Improve Document Accessibility with Microsoft 365 Tools

12/6 Reflection on Inclusive Pedagogy

12/9 Enhancing Learning with AI: Selecting and Incorporating AI-Generated Images in Online Courses and Teaching Materials

12/10 Introduction to the Adobe Creative Cloud

12/10 Super Staff Tuesdays: Creating Engaging Digital Media with Adobe Express

12/10 Super Staff Tuesdays: Culture for Business

12/10 Super Staff Tuesdays: Enhancing Administrative Efficiency with Power BI: A Powerful Tool for Visual Reporting

12/11 Unlocking the Power of Text: Active Reading Strategies for Student Success

12/17 Online Teaching Training – Fall II 2024

12/2 ELITE After Dark: Backward Design to Make Online Discussions Fun!

Time: 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

Instructor: Tom Cantu


Online courses sometimes seem formulaic: read the book, take the quiz, submit your assignment, oh… and post in the discussion. This interactive session will guide participants through a process of backward design to identify key components including course and curriculum goals; discipline thinking as it is represented in their course; and the knowledge, skills, and attitudes embedded in the final exam, final paper, or final project. Participants will then use that information to craft engaging discussion activities that serve as scaffolding, preparing students all semester long for the performance required on the final assessment. This approach re-creates “the classroom experience” bringing the discussions front and center in the course to intentionally re-create a professor’s favorite teachable moments.


  • Define your course and curriculum goals.
  • Articulate what you want students to remember from your course in 10 years.
  • Define Disciplinary Thinking in your course.
  • Design online discussions to serve as scaffolding all semester long to prepare students for the final course assessments.

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12/3 ELITE After Dark: Enhancing Student Engagement with Hyperdocs: A “Hands-On” Workshop

Time: 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Instructor: Phillip Bonner


Discover the power of hyperdocs in a comprehensive 90-minute workshop designed to enhance your classes. Hyperdocs are interactive, multimedia-rich documents that provide students with an engaging, self-paced learning experience. You will learn how to create hyperdocs that integrate various instructional elements, such as videos, links, and interactive activities, while also exploring advanced design techniques to promote interactivity and accessibility. We will discuss best practices for incorporating hyperdocs into your curriculum, ensuring student engagement. By the end of the workshop, you will have the skills to design your own hyperdoc and a plan to implement them effectively in your courses.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Design a hyperdoc that includes multimedia elements, such as videos, links, and interactive activities.
  • Explain best practices for integrating hyperdocs into their curriculum to enhance student engagement.
  • Create a plan for implementing hyperdocs in their own courses to improve learning outcomes.

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12/6 Blackboard Learn Ultra Basics

Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Instructors: MC Learn Ultra Transition Team


This session covers the basics of Blackboard Learn Ultra, from the interface and navigation to best practices when building a new course.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Navigate the Blackboard Learn Ultra environment.
  • Identify key features of the Blackboard Learn Ultra interface.
  • Explain how consistent course navigation can support student learning.

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12/6 Blackboard Learn Ultra Virtual Office Hours

Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Instructors: MC Learn Ultra Transition Team


The MC Learn Ultra transition team invites you to join us virtually for office hours. We are here for you to answer questions and connect you to resources around MC’s transition to Blackboard Learn Ultra. In person options are also available (separate signup in Workday). Please ensure you have access to a development course in Blackboard Ultra before attending office hours.

More information


By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Access Blackboard Learn Ultra resources at MC
  • Answer FAQs about this transition

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12/6 Converting Original Courses to Blackboard Learn Ultra

Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Instructors: MC Learn Ultra Transition Team


This session introduces the key things instructors need to know when converting an existing course from Blackboard Learn Original into Blackboard Learn Ultra.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the differences between Original and Ultra Courses.
  • Examine features unique or common to Original and Ultra Courses
  • Explain the value of course preparation for conversion.

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12/6 Outlook Open Lab: Templates & Rules

Time: 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Instructor: Anna Donohoe


This open lab session will introduce a set of specific features and tasks (listed below) in the first half of our time together. The second half is structured as open office hours for participants to practice using the skills introduced and/or ask questions about anything related to Microsoft Outlook.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Create and use short template email messages in Outlook365
  • Create and use longer template email messages in Outlook 2021 or 2019
  • Manage automatic email handling with Rules
  • Customize settings in Outlook365 or 2019/2021

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12/6 First Faculty Fridays: Improve Document Accessibility with Microsoft 365 Tools

Time: 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM

Instructor: Gloria Barron


Improve the accessibility of your documents using Microsoft 365’s powerful built-in tools. This session will guide you through best practices for designing accessible content and utilizing features like Accessibility Checker, Immersive Reader, and Dictation to make your documents inclusive for all users. You’ll also discover how to implement structured headers and create a table of contents.

Measurable Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this workshop, you’ll be equipped to create documents that meet accessibility standards, enhancing the experience for students with disabilities and diverse learning preferences.

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12/6 Reflection on Inclusive Pedagogy

Time: 2:30-3:30 pm

Instructor: Laurent Ndeze


When reflecting on inclusive teaching strategies, educators should think about their practices and relationships with personal assumptions, attitudes, and behaviors. It is an opportunity to examine how these factors impact educators’ practices. Discussion questions for this workshop will include ‘How can I improve my teaching practices to accommodate the needs of diverse student groups?’ We will use such questions to engage in thoughtful introspection of inclusive teaching practices, including assessment strategies.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Define inclusive pedagogy.
  • Integrate diverse teaching techniques that support inclusive classrooms.
  • Create and apply inclusive assessment strategies
  • Promote participation of all students by fostering open and respectful discussions

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12/9 Enhancing Learning with AI: Selecting and Incorporating AI-Generated Images in Online Courses and Teaching Materials

Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Instructor: Phillip Bonner


In this one-hour workshop, faculty will learn how to select and incorporate AI-created images effectively into their teaching materials and online courses. We’ll explore the benefits of using such images to support learning while discussing the importance of choosing images judiciously to avoid confusion or cognitive overload. Participants will gain insights into the potential pitfalls of using AI-generated visuals and the necessity of vetting them carefully. Through examples and activities, attendees will develop skills in evaluating and integrating AI images to support diverse learning needs.


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Identify key criteria for selecting effective ai-created images that support and enhance learning objectives.
  • Develop skills in vetting ai-generated images for accuracy and relevance to avoid student confusion.
  • Integrate AI-created images into their teaching materials and online courses.

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12/10 Introduction to the Adobe Creative Cloud

Time: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

Instructor: Megan Calvert


Adobe Creative Cloud is a collection of college-sponsored software applications and services that anyone at MC can use to create visual content. The software is used for graphic design, video editing, web development, and photography. This introductory workshop will provide a high-level introduction to the range of tools available in Adobe Creative Cloud.

The workshop will be conducted via Zoom. To fully participate, it is best to join from a device with two screens or from two side-by-side devices so that you can follow the instructor’s demonstrations. See the Microsoft Essentials website for more details on technology requirements. Outcomes will be adjusted based on a participant survey and may include:


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the range of tools available through Adobe Creative Cloud
  • Access tools in the Adobe Creative Cloud using your MC credentials
  • Choose a tool to explore and identify additional training resources

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12/10 Super Staff Tuesdays: Creating Engaging Digital Media with Adobe Express

Time: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM

Instructor: Gloria Barron


In this workshop, explore the potential of Adobe Express, a versatile tool for effortlessly creating stunning visual content. From designing social media graphics to crafting engaging presentations, Adobe Express empowers anyone to express their creativity without design experience. Through hands-on activities and demonstrations, participants will learn how to leverage Adobe Express to enhance communication and engagement with students, colleagues, and the broader community.

Measurable Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe the key features and functionalities of Adobe Express.
  • Develop a basic understanding of designing posters, flyers, videos, and blogs.
  • Identify other creative templates to create visually attractive content.
  • Explore practical applications of Adobe Express for academic, professional, and personal use.

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12/10 Super Staff Tuesdays: Culture for Business

Time: 1:00 PM – 4:15 PM

Instructor: Richard Forrest


Managing cultural differences and raising awareness are competencies that can be learned and developed. Where culture is defined as ‘the way we solve problems’, creating a sense of belonging, where inclusion and equity are achieved while managing cultural differences can be complex. In this class, we define our work goals and objectives and then apply a framework to help us recognize and respect differences and create holistic and sustainable solutions.

Learning Outcomes:
• Understand the importance of culture when working globally and in diverse organizations
• Appreciate the impact of cross-cultural dynamics and the dilemmas it creates in decision-making at work
• Complete and interpret a cultural survey to recognize our orientations and better understand our work challenges
• Use a creative problem-solving process to reconcile dilemmas and implement actions or new behaviors to achieve desired change.

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12/10 Super Staff Tuesdays: Enhancing Administrative Efficiency with Power BI: A Powerful Tool for Visual Reporting

Time: 2:15 PM – 3:15 PM

Instructor: Fariha Alam


This workshop is designed for administrative professionals who want to leverage Power BI to make their work more efficient and effective. You’ll learn the basics of Power BI and how it can be used to analyze data and create clear, visual reports. The workshop will guide you through the process of importing data into Power BI and creating personalized dashboards that provide you and your team with the insights needed to make informed decisions. By the end, you’ll be equipped to use Power BI to streamline your tasks and enhance overall efficiency in your role.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Navigate Power BI’s interface and utilize its key tools for administrative tasks.
  • Successfully import datasets into Power BI and perform specific data transformations to prepare them for analysis.
  • Create personalized dashboards that display relevant data for informed decision-making.

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12/11 Unlocking the Power of Text: Active Reading Strategies for Student Success

Time: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

Instructor: Phillip Bonner


Unlock the potential of your students’ reading abilities with ELITE’s workshop Unlocking the Power of Text: Active Reading Strategies for Student Success. Learn how to effectively teach and model essential active reading strategies that enhance comprehension, critical thinking, and engagement. Explore techniques such as previewing and predicting, activating schema, and checking comprehension, while also exploring how to detect author bias and misinformation. Participate in hands-on activities designed to provide practical applications for your classroom. Join ELITE and empower your students to become more insightful and independent readers!


By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Identify and describe various active reading strategies and their importance in improving student comprehension and engagement.
  • Employ practical methods to incorporate and model these strategies in their classrooms, helping students become more effective readers.
  • Share their thoughts on incorporating these strategies in their classes.

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12/17 Online Teaching Training – Fall II 2024

Time: Asynchronous online course in Blackboard

Instructors: Paul Miller, Tom Cantu, Phil Bonner


The Online Teaching training prepares Montgomery College faculty to teach asynchronous (DL Web) online and blended courses.

The training occurs in Blackboard as a seven-week online course that begins on Oct. 30 and ends on Dec. 17. The course will guide professors through planning, building, and preparing to teach their own online or blended course.

Although the training is conducted asynchronously, it is not self-paced. As in any DL Web course, there are weekly deadlines. Participants are expected to log in to the course regularly to view announcements, respond to email, complete assignments, review feedback to update their work, and actively contribute to the discussions throughout the week.

When teaching asynchronously, the elements of good teaching commonly found in live, interactive classrooms must be intentionally recreated. Professors will redesign a course for online or blended delivery to present course content, actively engage students, assess learning, and establish an inclusive environment.

Prerequisites: Completion of Digital Fundamentals for Teaching and Learning (formerly SRT training).


Teaching remotely using Zoom is live or synchronous teaching. The Online Teaching training will guide professors through creating an asynchronous online course.

Professors with experience teaching and building asynchronous online courses may be eligible for credit for prior learning.

If you have questions, please contact Shinta Hernandez, Dean of MC Online, at shinta.hernandez@montgomerycollege.edu.


  • Develop web-centric habits as evidenced by logging in to the course regularly to complete assignments, respond to email, and actively contribute to the weekly discussions.
  • Design an online or blended course to present course content, engage students, assess learning, and establish an inclusive environment.
  • Build a course template for an online or blended course that fulfills the competency demonstration criteria including the 22 Essential Quality Matters Standards, 7th Ed.

***Registration is open only to those who have received approvals from their discipline dean and the Dean of the Virtual Campus.

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Fall 2024 ELITE Professional Development Catalog Copyright © 2024 by gloria.barron@montgomerycollege.edu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.